Jazz In The House 1

"Jazz speaks a language all its own. Sometimes in the rawest form it's complex and abstract. At other times sad and compassionate. Different styles creating different textures and colours that paint a wall of wonderful mosaic of soundscapes and frequencies that stimulate the full spectrum of your emotions.This music will never die. This music will always be respected and protected. Never affected by popular opinion or trends. Will stay true to itself. Will never sell out. I will continue to learn all I can, and spread and teach this beautiful artform to everyone across the land. So, we can mess around and talk about other artforms later. When it comes to this artform, Jazz, there is none greater. It's Jazz" (Hallex .M/MdCL/E-Man).Wal, November 2020
Thatmanmonkz-For bae (Delusions)
Josh Milan-Fort greene's Theme
Kerri Chandler-Coro
Louie Vega-Thousand finger man
Ron Trent-Jazz funk freedom
Glenn Underground-What Glenn thinks
Natural Rhythm-The Jive
Phlash & Friends-Think about it
Ethiopian Chykld-Dreaming
Peven Everett-Feeling you in and out (Shelter Mix)
Rick Wade-Seducer
Rhemi-Shake your body down
Namy-Colours of the universe (DJ Spen remix)
Eddy G-Soul Mutha (Groove Assassin Mix)
Glenn Underground-Memory Chant (1st Phase)
Hallex .M-It's Jazz
Seb Wildblood-Plants
Other Soul-Ahora es
Untitled Gear-It's wonderful
Dennis Ferrer-Reach 4 Freedom (Guitar Mix)
Mike Labirt-Wide open (Instrumental)
Chip E-The It
Prefix One-Rhode works
Urban Blues Project-Deliver me (Hardsoul Keeps on trying dub)
Luis Radio-The call up
95 North-Jazz Ascension (Red Soul Mix)